- the thin layer of tissue forming the natural outer covering of the body of a person or animal皮肤; 皮:
I use body lotion to keep my skin supple
mass noun a flap of skin.一片下垂的皮肤。
- the skin of a dead animal with or without the fur, used as material for clothing or other items(用于做衣服或做其他物品的有毛或无毛的)兽皮:
mass noun is this real crocodile skin?这是真的鳄鱼皮吗?
- a container made from the skin of an animal such as a goat, used for holding liquids(盛液体的)皮囊。
- an outer layer or covering, in particular外层, 覆盖物, 尤指:
- the peel or outer layer of certain fruits or vegetables(某些水果或蔬菜的)外皮。
- the thin outer covering of a sausage香肠衣。
- a thin layer forming on the surface of certain hot liquids, such as milk, as they cool(牛奶等热液体冷却时在表面结成的)薄层。
- informal a cigarette paper〈非正式〉卷烟纸。
- the outermost layer of a structure such as a building or aircraft(建筑物、飞机等的)外壳。
- (一般作skins)a strip of sealskin or other material attached to the underside of a ski to prevent a skier slipping backwards during climbing雪橇外皮, 防滑底层(用海豹皮或其他材料做成, 系于雪橇下侧以防攀登时向后滑动)。
- Brit. informal a skinhead〈英, 非正式〉光头。
- (一般作skins)informal (especially in jazz) a drum or drum head(尤作爵士乐用语)鼓, 鼓面。
- as modifier informal relating to or denoting pornographic literature or films〈非正式〉色情文学作品(或影片):
the skin trade.
- mass noun US a card game in which each player has one card which they bet will not be the first to be matched by a card dealt from the pack〈美〉斯金牌戏(每一位玩牌者有一张牌, 各自打赌这张牌不会是第一张与发出的牌配对)。
- Computing a customized graphic user interface for an application or operating system【计算机】外皮, 外壳(应用软件或操作系统的定制图形用户界面)。
- with obj. remove the skin from (an animal or a fruit or vegetable)剥去(动物、水果或蔬菜的)皮。
- (in hyperbolic use) punish severely[夸张用法]严厉惩罚:
Dad would skin me alive if I forgot it.
如果我忘了, 爸爸会活剥了我的皮。
- graze (a part of one's body)擦破(身体某部位):
he scrambled down from the tree with such haste that he skinned his knees.
他那么匆忙地从树上爬下, 以至于擦破了膝盖。
- informal take money from or swindle (someone)〈非正式〉骗取(某人的)钱财。
- Soccer, informal (of a player) take the ball past (a defender) with ease【英足】〈非正式〉(选手)轻松过球。
- with obj. archaic cover with skin〈古〉皮肤愈合:
the wound was skinned, but the strength of his thigh was not restored.
伤口愈合了, 但是他的腿力还没有恢复。
- no obj.(of a wound) form new skin(伤口)长出新皮:
the hole in his skull skinned over.
be skin and bone
- (of a person or animal) be very thin(人, 动物)皮包骨头, 极瘦。
by the skin of one's teeth
- by a very narrow margin; only just刚好, 仅, 勉强:
I only got away by the skin of my teeth.
[ORIGIN: from a misquotation of Job 19:20: 'I am escaped with the skin of my teeth' (i.e. and nothing else). Current use reflects a different sense.]
get under someone's skin
- annoy or irritate someone intensely惹恼, 激怒:
it was the sheer effrontery of them which got under my skin.
- fill someone's mind in a compelling and persistent way持续引起某人关注。
- reach or display a deep understanding of someone深刻理解; 表现出对(某人)的深刻理解:
movies that get under the skin of the British national character.
give someone (some) skin
- US black slang shake or slap hands together as a gesture or friendship or solidarity〈美, 黑俚〉握(或拍)手问好。
have a thick (或thin)skin
- be insensitive (or oversensitive) to criticism or insults脸皮厚(或薄), 对批评(或侮辱)不敏感(或过于敏感)。
it's no skin off my nose (或 〈美〉off my back)
- informal used to indicate that one is not offended or adversely affected by something〈非正式〉无损本人的毫毛, 对本人毫无影响:
'I've not much appetite, I'm afraid.' 'No skin off my nose.'
keep (或sleep in) a whole skin
- archaic escape being wounded or injured〈古〉未受伤地, 安然无恙地。
skin and blister
- Brit. rhyming slang a person's sister〈英, 谐俚〉某人的姐妹。
skin one's teeth
- W. Indian laugh, especially inappropriately or unexpectedly〈西印度〉(尤指不合时宜或不期然地)笑, 傻笑。
there's more than one way to skin a cat
- proverb there's more than one way of achieving one's aim〈谚〉达到目的的方法不止一种。
under the skin
- in reality, as opposed to superficial appearances实际上:
he still believes that all women are goddesses under the skin.
adjectiveskin up
- Brit. informal make a cannabis cigarette〈英, 非正式〉制作大麻香烟。