- mass noun evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement证据, 证物; 证词, 证言:
you will be asked to give proof of your identity
count noun this is not a proof for the existence of God.这不是上帝存在的证据。
- Law the spoken or written evidence in a trial【律】(审判中的口头或书面)证据。
- the action or process of establishing the truth of a statement证明, 证实; 验证:
it shifts the onus of proof in convictions from the police to the public.
- count noun archaic a test or trial〈古〉测试, 试验。
- count noun a series of stages in the resolution of a mathematical or philosophical problem(数学或哲学问题)验算, 求证。
- count noun Scots Law a trial or a civil case before a judge without a jury〈苏格兰〉【律】法官单独听证。
- a trial print of something, in particular试印品, 尤指:
- Printing a trial impression of a page, taken from type or film and used for making corrections before final printing【印刷】校样, 样张。
- a trial photographic print made for initial selection照相样片。
- each of a number of impressions from an engraved plate, especially (in commercial printing) of a limited number before the ordinary issue is printed and before an inscription or signature is added(镌版印刷正式启印前的)试印印张。
- a specially struck specimen coin with a polished or frosted finish(抛光或毛面的)特制铸币样品。
- mass noun the strength of distilled alcoholic liquor, relative to proof spirit taken as a standard of 100标准酒精度(以100为标准):
in combination powerful 132-proof rum.132度的烈性朗姆酒。
- able to withstand something damaging; resistant能抵挡…的, 能耐…的, 可防…的:
the marine battle armour was proof against most weapons
in combination the system comes with idiot-proof instructions.该系统配有人人能懂的说明书。
- attrib. denoting a trial impression of a page or printed work试印的:
a proof copy is sent up for checking.
- make (fabric) waterproof使(织物)防水:
as adj. proofed the flysheet is made from proofed nylon.帐篷的门帘是用防水尼龙做的。
- make a proof of (a printed work, engraving, etc.)印(印刷品、镌版等的)校样, 试印:
as noun proofing proofing could be done on a low-cost printer.试印可以在低成本的印刷机上完成。
- proof-read (a text)校对(文稿):
a book about dinosaurs was being proofed by the publisher.
- N. Amer. activate (yeast) by the addition of liquid〈北美〉加水使(酵母)活化。
- knead (dough) until light and smooth揉(面团)。
- no obj.(of dough) prove(面团)发酵:
shape into a baguette and let proof for a few minutes.
把面团揉成狭长形, 放着发酵几分钟。
the proof of the pudding is in the eating
- proverb the real value of something can be judged only from practical experience or results and not from appearance or theory〈谚〉布丁好坏, 一尝便知; 实践是检验真理的唯一标准。