Privy Council
1- a body of advisers appointed by a sovereign or a Governor General (now chiefly on an honorary basis and including present and former government ministers)枢密院(君王或总督任命的顾问团, 现主要为荣誉性机构, 包括现任及卸任政府大臣)。
- chiefly historical a sovereign's or Governor General's private counsellors〈主史〉君主(或总督)私人顾问团。
In Britain, the Privy Council originated in the council of the Norman kings. A select body of officials met regularly with the sovereign to carry on everyday government, known from the 14th century as the Privy (= 'private') Council. In the 18th century the importance of the cabinet, a smaller group drawn from the Privy Council, increased and the full Privy Council's functions became chiefly formal.