- produce (books, newspapers, magazines, etc.), especially in large quantities, by a mechanical process involving the transfer of text or designs to paper印(书, 报纸, 杂志等), 印刷:
a thousand copies of the book were printed.
- produce (text or a picture) in such a way刊印(文字, 图画):
the words had been printed in dark, inky type.
- (of a newspaper or magazine) publish (a piece of writing) within its pages(在报纸、杂志上)发表, 刊登:
the article was printed in the first edition.
- (of a publisher or printer) arrange for (a book, manuscript, etc.) to be reproduced in large quantities(出版商, 印刷商)把(书, 原稿等)交付刊行:
in 1923 he printed Yeats' 'Biographical Fragments'.
1923年他出版了叶芝的《生平点滴》 。
- produce a paper copy of (information stored on a computer)打印(电脑存储的信息):
the results of a search can be printed out.
- produce (a photographic print) from a negative从(底片)印相片, 印; 晒印:
any make of film can be developed and printed.
- write (text) clearly without joining the letters together用印刷体写:
print your name and address on the back of the cheque.
- mark (a surface, typically a textile or a garment) with a coloured design or pattern印花样于(尤指织物或衣服上):
a delicate fabric printed with roses.
- transfer (a coloured design or pattern) to a surface转印(有色图案):
patterns of birds, flowers, and trees were printed on the cotton.
- make (a mark or indentation) on a surface or in a soft substance by pressing something on to it打上(印记), 留(痕迹)于:
he printed a mark on her soft skin.
- mark or indent (the surface of a soft substance) in such a way(用模子)印:
we printed the butter with carved wooden butter moulds.
- figurative fix (something) firmly or indelibly in someone's mind〈喻〉铭记, 铭刻:
his face, with its clearly drawn features, was printed on her memory.
他的脸庞, 及其线条分明的五官, 铭刻在她脑海里。
- mass noun the text appearing in a book, newspaper, or other printed publication, especially with reference to its size, form, or style印刷品; 印出的文本:
she forced herself to concentrate on the tiny print
bold print.
- the state of being available in published form印刷形式; 出版:
the news will never get into print.
- (一般作the prints)informal a newspaper〈非正式〉报纸:
the report's contents were widely summarized in the public prints.
- as modifier of or relating to the printing industry or the printed media印刷业; 出版物:
the print unions
a print worker.
- an indentation or mark left on a surface or soft substance by pressure, especially that of a foot or hand(尤指脚、手的)印迹, 印痕:
there were paw prints everywhere.
fingerprints指纹:the FBI matched the prints to those of the Las Vegas drug suspect.
- a picture or design printed from a block or plate or copied from a painting by photography复制品; 翻印图片:
the walls were hung with sporting prints.
- a photograph printed on paper from a negative or transparency(由底片或透明正片印出的)照片; 正片。
- a copy of a motion picture on film, especially a particular version of it电影拷贝。
- a piece of fabric or clothing with a decorative coloured pattern or design printed on it印花布; 印花布服装:
light summer prints
as modifier a floral print dress.一条印花连衫裙。
- such a pattern or design印花图案。
appear in print
- (of an author) have one's work published(作者)作品已出版。
in print
- (of a book) available from the publisher(书)可买到的:
he was surprised to find it was still in print.
看到那本书还在出售, 他觉得奇怪。
- in printed or published form以印刷的形式; 已出版的:
she did not live to see her work in print.
out of print
- (of a book) no longer available from the publisher(书)已售完的, 已绝版的:
the title I want is out of print.
the printed word
- language or ideas as expressed in books, newspapers, or other publications, especially when contrasted with their expression in speech书面语言(尤指相对于口头表述)。