Pride's Purge
/praɪd/- the exclusion or arrest of about 140 members of parliament likely to vote against a trial of the captive Charles Ⅰ by soldiers under the command of Colonel Thomas Pride (d.1658) in December 1648. Following the purge, the remaining members, known as the Rump Parliament, voted for the trial which resulted in Charles's execution.普赖德肃清(1648年12月, 托马斯·普赖德上校[卒于1658年]率领军队包围国会, 驱逐和逮捕140多名拟投票反对审判被俘的查理一世的议员。肃清事件之后, 剩留国会议员, 通称残余国会投票通过导致查理被处死的审判)。