- the ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality能力, 本领, 才智:
the power of speech
with infinitive the power to raise the dead起死回生之术
(powers) his powers of concentration.
- the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others or the course of events支配力; 影响力:
the idea that men should have power over women
she had me under her power.
- political or social authority or control, especially that exercised by a government政权, 权力, 统治地位:
the party had been in power for eight years
as modifier a power struggle.一场权力斗争。
- count noun a right or authority that is given or delegated to a person or body授权, 授予的权力; 职权:
police do not have the power to stop and search
emergency powers.
- the military strength of a state(国家的)武装力量, 军事力量, 军队:
the sea power of Venice.
- count noun a state or country, especially one viewed in terms of its international influence and military strength(尤指从国际影响和军事力量角度来考虑)强国, 大国:
a great colonial power.
- count noun a person or organization that is strong or influential within a particular context(在某范围内)掌握大权的人, 有影响的机构:
he was a power in the university.
- count noun a supernatural being, deity, or force神, 神灵, 神力:
the powers of darkness.
(in traditional Christian angelology) the sixth highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy(传统基督教天使学)掌权天使(九级天使中的第六级)。
- as modifier informal denoting something associated with people that hold authority and influence, especially in the context of business or politics〈非正式〉(尤指商界, 政界)掌权人, 头面人物:
power dressing.
- with modifier used in the names of movements aiming to enhance the status of a specified group(旨在提升某群体地位的)权力运动:
gay power.
- physical strength and force exerted by something or someone体力; 威力, 力量:
the power of the storm.
- capacity or performance of an engine or other device动力:
he applied full power.
- the capacity of something to affect the emotions or intellect strongly强度, 影响力:
the lyrical power of his prose.
- as modifier denoting a sports player, team, or style of play that makes use of power rather than finesse(运动员, 球队, 竞技风格)用力量(而非技巧)的:
a power pitcher.
- the magnifying capacity of a lens(透镜的)放大率。
- energy that is produced by mechanical, electrical, or other means and used to operate a device机械力, 动力; 电力:
generating power from waste
as modifier power cables.电缆。
- electrical energy supplied to an area, building, etc.电力:
the power went off.
- as modifier driven by such energy电力开动的, 电力驱动的:
a power drill.
- Physics the rate of doing work, measured in watts or less frequently horse power【物】功率(单位瓦特, 偶尔也用马力)。
- Mathematics the product obtained when a number is multiplied by itself a certain number of times【数】幂, 乘方; 指数:
2 to the power of 4 equals 16.
a power of
chiefly dialect a large number or amount of something〈主方〉大量的:there's a power of difference between farming now and when I was a lad.
如今的耕种方式与我小时候的相比, 存在着天壤之别。
- with obj. supply (a device) with mechanical or electrical energy为(装置)提供动力, 供能:
the car is powered by a fuel-injected 3.0-litre engine
as adj., in combination -powered a nuclear-powered submarine.核动力潜艇。
power something up/down
switch a device on or off开(关):the officer powered up the fighter's radar.
- no obj., with adverbial of direction move or travel with great speed or force快速行进, 奋力前进:
he powered round a bend.
- with obj. and adverbial of direction direct (something, especially a ball) with great force猛力踢(或推、顶)(尤指球):
Nicholas powered a header into the net.
do someone/thing a power of good
- informal be very beneficial to someone or something〈非正式〉对(人, 物)大有好处。
in the power of
- under the control of在…的控制下, 受…支配。
more power to your elbow!
- Brit.said to encourage someone or express approval of their actions〈英〉(表示鼓励、赞同)祝一帆风顺!祝你成功!
power behind the throne
- a person who exerts authority or influence without having formal status幕后操纵者, 垂帘听政者。
the powers that be
- the authorities当权者。
- ORIGIN: with biblical allusion to Rom. 13:1