Popish Plot
- a fictitious Jesuit plot concocted by Titus Oates in 1678, involving a plan to kill Charles Ⅱ, massacre Protestants, and put the Catholic Duke of York on the English throne. The 'discovery' of the plot led to widespread panic and the execution of about thirty-five Catholics.天主教阴谋(小说中虚构的耶稣会士阴谋, 1678年由蒂图斯·欧茨策划而成, 阴谋包括计划刺杀查理二世, 屠杀新教徒, 让天主教徒约克公爵登基; 阴谋被“发现”后, 引起了广泛的恐慌, 35名天主教徒因此被处死)。