/pəʊk/- Polk, James Knox (1795-1849), American Democratic statesman, 11th President of the US 1845-9. His term of office resulted in major territorial additions to the US: Texas was admitted to the Union in 1845 and conflict with Mexico resulted in the annexation of California and the south-west two years later.波尔克, 詹姆斯· 诺克斯(1795-1849, 美国民主党政治家, 美国第11任总统[1845-1849]; 任期内美国的版图有重大扩张, 得克萨斯于1845年并入了联邦, 与墨西哥的冲突导致了两年后对加利福尼亚以及西南地区的兼并)。