(pl. -ies)
1- a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by a government, party, business, or individual政策, 方针:
the government's controversial economic policies
mass noun it is not company policy to dispense with our older workers.抛弃老工人不是我们公司的方针。
- mass noun archaic prudent or expedient conduct or action〈古〉谨慎行为, 权宜之举:
a course of policy and wisdom.
late Middle English: from Old French policie 'civil administration', via Latin from Greek politeia 'citizenship', from politēs 'citizen', from polis 'city'.
mid 16th cent.: from French police 'bill of lading, contract of insurance', from Provençal poliss(i)a, probably from medieval Latin apodissa, apodixa, based on Greek apodeixis 'evidence, proof', from apodeiknunai 'demonstrate, show'.