- a port and naval base in Devon, SW England; pop. 251,900 (est. 2009). In 1620 it was the scene of the Pilgrim Fathers' departure to North America in the Mayflower.普利茅斯(英格兰西南部德文郡一港口和海军基地, 2009年估计人口251,900; 是1620年清教徒前辈移民乘坐“五月花”号船前往北美洲的出发地)。
- a shipping forecast area covering the English Channel roughly between the meridians of the Scilly Isles in the west and Start Point in the east普利茅斯航行预报区(英吉利海峡中西起锡利群岛子午线、东至斯塔特点子午线之间的地区)。
- a town in SE Massachusetts, on the Atlantic coast; pop. 40,290 (1986). The site in 1620 of the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers, it was the earliest permanent European settlement in New England.普利茅斯(大西洋沿岸马萨诸塞州东南部城镇, 1986年人口40,290; 1620年清教徒前辈移民登陆的地方, 是新英格兰最早的永久欧洲人聚居地)。
- the capital of the island of Montserrat in the Caribbean. It was abandoned following the eruption of the Soufrière Hills volcano from 1995.普利茅斯(加勒比地区蒙特塞拉特岛的首府; 1995年苏弗里埃山火山爆发后被遗弃)。