- a particular position or point in space地点, 地方:
there were still some remote places in the world
the monastery was a peaceful place.
- used to refer to an area already identified (giving an impression of informality)所在, 场所(指此前已提及的地方, 这样说给人以不正式的印象):
we head to a disco - the place is pandemonium.
我们朝着一家迪斯科舞厅走去, 那是个喧闹的场所。
- a particular point on a larger surface or in a larger object or area处, 部位:
he lashed out and cut the policeman's hand in three places.
他挥舞刀子, 在警察的手上砍了三刀。
- a building or area used for a specified purpose or activity(用于特定目的或活动的)建筑或地区:
the town has many excellent eating places.
- informal a person's home〈非正式〉家, 住所, 寓所:
what about dinner at my place?
- a point in a book or other text reached by a reader at a particular time(书或文章)读到的地方, 正在被阅读的部分:
I must have lost my place in the script.
- a portion of space occupied by someone座位, 位子:
he was watching from his place across the room.
- a portion of space available or designated for someone席位, 空位:
they hurried to their places at the table.
- a vacancy or available position机会; 空缺, 职位:
she won a place to study German at university.
- mass noun the regular or proper position of something原位, 老位置, 适当位置:
lay each slab in place.
- usu. with negative somewhere where it is appropriate or prudent for someone to be or for something to occur适合某人去的地方; 适合某事发生的地方:
that street at that time was no place for a lady.
- a chance to be accepted or to be of use容许, 允许; 利用:
the policy left no place for individual initiative.
- a person's rank or status等级, 地位, 身份:
occupation structures a person's place in society.
- usu. with negative a right or privilege resulting from someone's role or position职权, 特权:
I'm sure she has a story to tell, but it's not my place to ask.
我知道她有话要说, 但我没权去过问。
- the role played by or importance attached to someone or something in a particular context作用, 重要性:
the place of computers in improving office efficiency varies between companies.
- a position in a sequence, in particular: a position in a sporting contest排名, (尤指体育比赛)名次:
his score was good enough to leave him in ninth place.
他的得分很不错, 足以让他名列第九名。
- Brit. any of the first three or sometimes four positions in a race (used especially of the second, third, or fourth positions)〈英〉(赛跑比赛中)前三名或前四名中任意一名(尤指第二、第三或第四名)。
- N. Amer. the second position, especially in a horse race〈北美〉(尤指赛马比赛中的)第二名。
- the degree of priority given to something优先程度:
accurate reportage takes second place to lurid detail.
- the position of a figure in a series indicated in decimal or similar notation, especially one after the decimal point位(尤指小数点后的位):
calculate the ratios to one decimal place.
- in place names a square or short street广场, 短街:
the lecture theatre is in New Burlington Place.
- a country house with its grounds(包括周围场地的)乡间住宅。
- with obj. and adverbial put in a particular position放置, 安置, 安排:
a newspaper had been placed beside my plate.
- cause to be in a particular situation使处于特定情景:
enemy officers were placed under arrest
you are not placing yourself under any obligation.
- used to express the attitude someone has towards someone or something寄托, 寄予:
I am not able to place any trust in you.
be placed
used to indicate the degree of advantage or convenience enjoyed by someone or something as a result of their position or circumstances(某人或某物因其地位或处境而享受的)优势, 便利:with infinitive the company is well placed to seize the opportunity.该公司具有攫取该机会的优势。
- with obj. find a home or employment for为…安排一个家; 安置…就业:
the children were placed with foster-parents
the agency had placed 3,000 people in work.
- dispose of (something, especially shares) by selling to a customer处置(某物, 尤指股票)。
- arrange for the recognition and implementation of (an order, bet, etc.)发出(订单); 打(赌), 订立(合同):
they placed a contract for three boats.
- order or obtain a connection for (a telephone call) through an operator(通过接线员)接通; 要(电话)。
- with obj. and adverbial identify or classify as being of a specified type or as holding a specified position in a sequence or hierarchy排名, 定级:
a survey placed the company 13th for achievement.
- with obj. [usu. with negative] remember where one has seen or how one comes to recognize (someone or something)认出, 想起:
she eventually said she couldn't place him.
她最后说, 想不起他是谁了。
be placed
Brit. achieve a specified position in a race〈英〉(赛跑中)取得名次:he was placed eleventh in the long individual race.
- no obj. be among the first three or four in a race (or the first three in the US)(赛跑中)获前三名或前四名(美国指获前三名)。
- with obj. Rugby & American Football score (a goal) by a place kick【英橄, 美橄】定位球得分。
give place to
- be succeeded or replaced by让位于, 让…替代。
go places
- informal visit places; travel〈非正式〉旅行。
- be increasingly successful越来越成功。
in place
- working or ready to work; established到位的, 就位的; 已确定的。
- N. Amer. on the spot; not travelling any distance〈北美〉在场; 未移动。
in place of
- instead of代替, 而不是。
keep someone in his(或her)place
- keep someone from becoming presumptuous使知趣; 使识相。
out of place
- not in the proper position; disarranged不在合适的位置; 放错地方。
- in a setting where one is or feels inappropriate or incongruous不适当的; 不相称, 格格不入的。
place in the sun
- a position of favour or advantage优势地位; 有利地位。
put oneself in someone's place
- consider a situation from someone's point of view站在别人的立场上看待问题, 从别人的角度看问题。
put someone in his(或her)place
- deflate or humiliate someone regarded as being presumptuous使某人安分; 煞某人的气焰。
take place
- occur发生。
take one's place
- take up the physical position or status in society that is correct or due for one就座, 就位; 占有(该属于自己的社会)地位。
take the place of
- replace代替。