- Brit. an area of ground marked out or used for play in an outdoor team game〈英〉(户外集体运动的)场地。
- used in reference to the time a sports player spends playing as opposed to doing other things(运动员的)运动时间, 上场时间:
off the pitch he has a reputation as an easy-going character.
人所共知, 场下他是个脾气随和的人。
- Cricket the strip of ground between the two sets of stumps【板球】(两门柱之间的)球场。
- mass noun the quality of a sound governed by the rate of vibrations producing it; the degree of highness or lowness of a tone音高; 音调高低:
a car engine seems to change pitch downwards as the vehicle passes you.
车从你身边驶过的时候, 引擎声音似乎会下降。
- a standard degree of highness or lowness used in performance(表演中的)音调, 音高标准:
the guitars were strung and tuned to pitch.
这些吉他都已被调到标准音高。参见CONCERT PITCH.
- mass noun the steepness of a slope, especially of a roof(尤指屋顶的)倾斜度。
- count noun Climbing a section of a climb, especially a steep one【登山】(尤指很陡的)坡段。
- the height to which a hawk soars before swooping on its prey(鹰扑向猎物前向上攀飞的)高度。
- in sing. the level of intensity of something强度, 程度:
he brought the machine to a high pitch of development.
a pitch of
a very high degree of极点, 顶点:rousing herself to a pitch of indignation.
- Baseball a delivery of the ball by the pitcher【棒球】投球。
- (亦作pitch of the ball)Cricket the spot where the ball bounces when bowled【板球】弹跳点。
- (亦作pitch shot)Golf a high approach shot on to the green【高尔夫】下旋高球。
- a form of words used when trying to persuade someone to buy or accept something推销行话, 推销用语:
he put over a very strong sales pitch.
- Brit. a place where a street vendor or performer stations themselves or sets up a stall〈英〉(路边摊贩的)摊位; (街头艺人的)表演场所。
- mass noun a swaying or oscillation of a ship, aircraft, or vehicle around a horizontal axis perpendicular to the direction of motion(船、飞机或车辆的)前后颠簸, 纵摇。
- mass noun technical the distance between successive corresponding points or lines, for example between the teeth of a cogwheel〈技〉螺距; 节距。
- a measure of the angle of the blades of a screw propeller, equal to the distance forward a blade would move in one revolution if it exerted no thrust on the medium螺距(螺旋桨桨片角度计量单位, 相当于桨片转一圈的距离)。
- the density of typed or printed characters on a line, typically expressed as numbers of characters per inch印刷密度, 打印密度(通常按每英寸字符数来表达)。
- with obj. and adverbial set (one's voice or a piece of music) at a particular pitch定调, 定音高:
you've pitched the melody very high.
- express at a particular level of difficulty以特定的难度表达:
he should pitch his talk at a suitable level for the age group.
- set (a charge) at a particular level定价, 订立收费标准:
if they pitch fares too high they could drive away passengers.
如果他们把车费定得太高, 有可能会赶走乘客。
- aim (a product) at a particular section of the market对(产品)做市场定位:
the machine is being pitched at banks.
- with obj. and adverbial of direction throw or fling roughly or casually(粗暴地或随意地)扔, 掷, 丢:
he crumpled the page up and pitched it into the fireplace.
他将这一页纸揉成一团, 扔进了壁炉。
- no obj., with adverbial of direction fall heavily, especially headlong重重地跌倒(尤指前跌, 前冲):
she pitched forward into blackness.
- with obj. Baseball throw (the ball) for the batter to try and hit【棒球】(给击球手)投球。
- Cricket (of a bowler) cause (the ball) to strike the ground at a specified point(板球投手)投定点击地球:
all too often you pitch the ball short.
- Golf hit (the ball) on to the green with a pitch shot【高尔夫】击下旋高球。
- no obj. Cricket & Golf【板球, 高尔夫】(of the ball) strike the ground in a particular spot(球)击落在特定点上。
- no obj. make a bid to obtain a contract or other business投标:
they were pitching for an account.
- with obj. try to persuade someone to buy or accept (something)推销; 宣传:
they pitched the story to various magazines and newspapers.
- with obj. set up and fix in a definite position扎, 搭建, 安顿, 定下位置:
we pitched camp for the night.
- Cricket fix (the stumps) in the ground and place the bails in preparation for play【板球】固定球门(准备比赛)。
- no obj.(of a moving ship, aircraft, or vehicle) rock or oscillate around a lateral axis, so that the front moves up and down(船, 飞机, 车辆)前后颠簸, 摇晃, 振动:
the little steamer pressed on, pitching gently.
- (of a vehicle) move with a vigorous jogging motion(车)猛烈颠簸着行驶:
a Land Rover came pitching round the hillside.
- with obj. cause (a roof) to slope downwards from the ridge使倾斜:
the roof was pitched at an angle of 75 degrees
as adj. (pitched) a pitched roof.倾斜的屋顶。
- no obj. slope downwards向下倾斜:
the ravine pitches down to the creek.
- with obj. pave (a road) with stones用石头铺(路)。
- with obj.(in brewing) add yeast to (wort) to induce fermentation(酿酒用语)给(麦芽汁)加酵母。
make a pitch
- make a bid to obtain a contract or other business投标。
pitch someone/thing against
- informal pit someone or something against〈非正式〉使争斗, 使竞争。
pitch in
- informal vigorously join in to help with a task or activity〈非正式〉起劲地投入(任务, 活动)。
- join in a fight or dispute加入(斗殴, 争端)。
pitch into
- informal vigorously tackle or begin to deal with〈非正式〉(起劲地)干工作, 着手处理。
- forcefully assault猛烈攻击。
pitch up
- informal turn up; arrive〈非正式〉出现; 到达。
pitch something up (或pitch up)
- Cricket bowl a ball so that it bounces near the batsman【板球】投上旋球。
- a sticky resinous black or dark brown substance semi-liquid when hot, hard when cold, obtained by distilling tar or turpentine and used for waterproofing沥青。
- any of various similar substances, such as asphalt or bitumen柏油等似沥青的物质。