Piero della Francesca
/ˈpjerɔː ˈdellɑː frɑːnˈtʃeskɑː/- (1416-92) , Italian painter. He used perspective, proportion, and geometrical relationships to create ordered and harmonious pictures in which the figures appear to inhabit real space. He is best known for his frescoes, notably a cycle in Arezzo depicting the story of the True Cross (begun 1452).皮耶罗·德拉·弗朗西斯卡(1416-1492, 意大利画家, 他用透视、比例、几何关系来创作有序的、和谐的图画, 画中形象仿佛占据真正的空间, 尤以壁画著称, 代表作《真十字架传奇》[始于1452])。