/ˈfrɪdʒɪə/- an ancient region of west central Asia Minor, to the south of Bithynia. Centred on the city of Gordium, it dominated Asia Minor after the decline of the Hittites in the 12th century BC, reaching the peak of its power in the 8th century under King Midas. It was eventually absorbed into the kingdom of Lydia in the 6th century BC.弗里吉亚(小亚细亚中西部一古代地区, 位于卑斯尼亚以南; 以戈尔迪乌姆城为中心, 在公元前12世纪赫梯国衰败后控制了小亚细亚, 公元前8世纪国王迈达斯时为鼎盛时期; 最终在公元前6世纪被吕底亚王国并吞)。