- a member of a non-Semitic people of southern Palestine in ancient times, who came into conflict with the Israelites during the 12th and 11th centuries BC非利士人(古代巴勒斯坦南部非闪族人, 公元前12和11世纪同古以色列人发生冲突)。
- The Philistines, from whom the country of Palestine took its name, were one of the Sea Peoples who, according to the Bible, came from Crete and settled the southern coastal plain of Canaan in the 12th century BC.
- (一般作 philistine)a person who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts, or who has no understanding of them敌视文化艺术者; 不热心文化艺术者; 平庸之辈, 庸人:
as modifier a philistine government.庸人政府。
/-stɪnɪzəm/ noun词源
from French Philistin, via late Latin from Greek Philistinos, from Hebrew pělištī. Sense 2 arose as a result of a confrontation between town and gown in Jena, Germany, in the late 17th cent.; a sermon on the conflict quoted: 'the Philistines are upon you'. (Judges 16), which led to an association between the townspeople and those hostile to culture.