Philby, Kim (1912-88), British Foreign Office official and spy; born Harold Adrian Russell Philby. While working at the British Embassy in Washington DC (1949-51), Philby was asked to resign on suspicion of being a Soviet agent, although there was no firm evidence to this effect. He defected to the USSR in 1963 and was officially revealed to have spied for the Soviets from 1933.
菲尔比, 金(1912-1988, 英国外交官, 间谍, 出生名哈罗德·艾德里安·拉塞尔·菲尔比; 在华盛顿英国大使馆工作期间[1949-1951]虽无确凿证据, 但被疑为苏联间谍而去职; 1963年叛逃到苏联, 据官方透露从1933年起就为苏联作间谍)。