Peterloo massacre
/ˌpiːtəˈluː/- an attack by Manchester yeomanry on 16 August 1819 against a large but peaceable crowd. Sent to arrest the speaker at a rally of supporters of political reform in St Peter's Field, Manchester, the local yeomanry charged the crowd, killing 11 civilians and injuring more than 500.彼得卢大屠杀(1819年8月16日, 曼彻斯特义勇骑兵队对一大群和平民众的攻击; 义勇骑兵队被派去逮捕曼彻斯特圣彼得广场上的政治改革支持者集会的发言人, 他们冲入人群, 杀死平民11人, 伤500多人)。
so named in ironical reference to the Battle of Waterloo.