- a town in eastern Scotland, at the head of the Tay estuary; pop. 44,200 (est. 2009). The administrative centre of Perth and Kinross region, it was the capital of Scotland from 1210 until 1452.珀斯(苏格兰东部城镇, 在泰河河口的顶端, 2009年估计人口44,200, 是珀斯-金罗斯区的行政中心, 1210年到1452年曾是苏格兰的首府)。
- the capital of the state of Western Australia, on the Indian Ocean; pop. 1,602,559 (2008). Founded by the British in 1829, it developed rapidly after the discovery in 1890 of gold in the region and the opening in 1897 of the harbour at Fremantle.珀斯(西澳大利亚州首府, 临印度洋, 2008年人口1,602,559; 由英国人建于1829年, 1890年在该地区发现黄金以及在1897年开放弗里曼特尔港后, 该城市迅速发展)。