- Greek Mythology the son of Zeus and Danae, a hero celebrated for many achievements. He cut off the head of the gorgon Medusa and gave it to Athene; he also rescued and married Andromeda, and became king of the ancient city of Tiryns in Greece.【希腊神话】珀尔修斯(宙斯和达那厄的儿子, 功勋卓著的著名英雄; 他砍掉了怪物墨杜萨的头并把它献给雅典娜; 他拯救并娶了安德洛墨达, 而且成为希腊古城梯林斯的国王)。
- Astronomy a large northern constellation which includes a dense part of the Milky Way. It contains several star clusters and the variable star Algol.【天文】英仙星座。
- as genitive Persei /-sɪaɪ/ used with preceding letter or numeral to designate a star in this constellation与其前面的字母或数字连用以标记该星座中的星英仙星座的:
the star Delta Persei.