释义 |
Pearson1, Karl (1857-1936), English mathematician, the principal founder of 20th-century statistics. He defined the concept of standard deviation and devised the chi-square test. 皮尔逊, 卡尔(1857-1936, 英国数学家, 20世纪统计学的主要创始人, 界定了标准偏差的概念并发明了X2检验)。
Pearson2, Lester Bowles (1897-1972), Canadian diplomat and Liberal statesman, Prime Minister 1963-8. As Secretary of State for External Affairs (1948-1957) he acted as a mediator in the resolution of the Suez crisis (1956). Nobel Peace Prize (1957). 皮尔逊, 莱斯特·鲍尔斯(1897-1972, 加拿大外交官和自由党政治家、总理[1963-1968], 担任外交部长期间[1948-1957]在解决苏伊士危机[1956]过程中充当过调解人, 1957年获诺贝尔和平奖)。