- with obj. give (someone) money that is due for work done, goods received, or a debt incurred付钱给(某人); 偿还(债务):
with obj. and infinitive the traveller was able to pay a guide to show him across这个游客雇得起一个导游带他到处游览
no obj. TV licences can be paid for by direct debit.电视收看许可证可以通过直接借记方式付款。
- give (a sum of money) in exchange for goods or work done or in discharge of a debt付费, 支付(货款); 清偿, 偿还(债务):
the company was rumoured to have paid 450p a share
with two objs a museum paid him a four-figure sum for it.一家博物馆为此向他支付了四位数金额。
- hand over or transfer the amount due of (a debt, wages, etc.) to someone将(应付的债款、工资等)交给, 转交:
bonuses were paid to savers whose policies completed their full term.
- (of work, an investment, etc.) yield or provide someone with (a specified sum of money)(投资等)产生…利润; (工作等)有…报酬:
jobs that pay $5 or $6 an hour.
- no obj.(of a business, undertaking, or an attitude) be profitable or advantageous to someone(生意、事业或看法)对某人有益(或有利):
crime doesn't pay
with infinitive it pays to choose varieties carefully.仔细挑选各种种类是有好处的。
- no obj. suffer a loss or other misfortune as a consequence of an action付出代价, 受到惩罚:
the destroyer would have to pay with his life.
- with obj. give what is due or deserved to (someone); reward or punish报偿; 奖赏, 惩罚:
it was his way of paying out Maguire for giving him the push.
- with two objs give or bestow (attention, respect, or a compliment) on (someone)(向某人)予以 (关注), 致以(问候), 表达(敬意):
no one paid them any attention.
- make (a visit or a call) to (someone)访问(某人) ; 打电话给(某人):
she has been prevailed upon to pay us a visit.
- the money paid to someone for regular work工资, 薪金:
those working on contract may receive higher rates of pay.
he who pays the piper calls the tune
- proverb the person who provides the money for something has the right to determine how it's spent〈谚〉谁出钱谁做主; 谁承担费用谁有决定权。
in the pay of
- employed by受雇于。
pay one's compliments
pay court to
pay dearly
- obtain something at a high cost or great effort花大价钱(或努力)得到:
his master must have paid dearly for such a magnificent beast.
- suffer for a misdemeanour or failure(因行为不端或失败而)遭受不幸; 付出巨大代价:
they paid dearly for wasting goalscoring opportunities.
pay one's dues
- 见DUE.
pay for itself
- (of an object or system) earn or save enough money to cover the cost of its purchase(物品, 系统)赚(或节省)下足以支付购买费用的钱款。
pay its(或one's)way
- (of an enterprise or person) earn enough to cover its or one's costs(企业)赢利以支付开销; (人)挣钱以支付费用。
pay one's last respects
- show respect towards a dead person by attending their funeral向(死者)告别。
pay one's respects
- make a polite visit to someone拜访, 拜望:
we went to pay our respects to the head lama.
pay through the nose
- informal pay much more than a fair price〈非正式〉付费过高。
you pays your money and you takes your choice
- informal used to convey that there is little to choose between one alternative and another〈非正式〉无所选择, 无从选择。
nounpay someone back
- repay a loan to someone偿付(借款):
a regular amount was deducted from my wages to pay her back.
- figurative take revenge on someone〈喻〉报复:
he had left him out to pay him back for stealing his wife.
他把他排除在外, 以报复他拐走自己的妻子。
pay something back
- repay a loan to someone偿付(借款):
the money should be paid back with interest
with two objs they did pay me back the money.他们确实把钱还给了我。
pay something in
- pay money into a bank account存钱(进银行户头)。
pay off
- informal (of a course of action) yield good results; succeed〈非正式〉(行动)取得好结果; 成功:
all the hard work I had done over the summer paid off.
pay someone off
- dismiss someone with a final payment付清工资解雇:
when directors are fired, they should not be lavishly paid off.
当董事们被解雇时, 他们不应得到一大笔清算工资。
pay something off
- pay a debt in full偿清(借款):
you may have saved up enough to pay off your second mortgage.
pay something out
- pay a large sum of money from funds under one's control(从某人控制的专款中)支付巨额款项:
insurers can refuse to pay out.
- let out (a rope) by slackening it放开, 放松(绳索):
I began paying out the nylon line.
pay up (或pay something up)
- pay a debt in full还清, 全部付清借款:
you got ninety days to pay up the principal.