Pauli, Wolfgang (1900-58), Austrian-born American physicist. He made a major contribution to quantum theory with his exclusion principle, according to which only two electrons in an atom could occupy the same quantum level, provided they had opposite spins. In 1931 he postulated the existence of the neutrino, later discovered by Enrico Fermi. Nobel Prize for Physics (1945).
泡利, 沃尔夫冈(1900-1958, 奥地利出生的美国物理学家, 其不相容原理对量子理论作出了巨大的贡献; 根据这个理论, 同一个原子中的两个电子的自旋方向只要是相反的, 这两个电子就能获得相同的量子能级; 1931年提出中微子存在的假设, 后来中微子被恩里科·费米所发现; 诺贝尔物理学奖获得者[1945])。