- no obj., with adverbial of direction move in a specified direction经过, 穿过:
he passed through towns and villages
the shells from the Allied guns were passing very low overhead.
- with obj. and adverbial of direction cause (something) to move or lie in a specified direction or position使经过, 使穿过, 使通过:
he passed a weary hand across his forehead
pass an electric current through it.
- change from one state or condition to another转变, 改变:
homes which have passed from public to private ownership.
- no obj. die (used euphemistically)〈婉〉逝世, 死亡, 亡故:
she passed away peacefully in her sleep.
- with obj. go past or across; leave behind or on one side in proceeding经过, 通过; 超过, 越过:
on the way to the tube station she passed a cinema
the two vehicles had no room to pass each other
no obj. we will not let you pass.我们是不会让你过去的。
- go beyond the limits of; surpass; exceed超越, 越过; 赶超:
the Portuguese trade passed its peak in the 1760s
this item has passed its sell-by date.
- Tennis hit a winning shot past (an opponent)【网球】给(对方)超身球。
- no obj.(of time or a point in time) elapse; go by(时间, 时间点)度过, 消逝, 流逝:
the day and night passed slowly
the moment had passed.
- happen; be done or said发生; 做完, 说过:
not another word passed between them
with complement this fact has passed almost unnoticed.事情发生后几乎没有人注意到。
- with obj. spend or use up (a period of time)度过, 用完(一段时间):
this was how they passed the time.
- come to an end结束, 完结, 终止:
the danger had passed.
- with obj. and usu. with adverbial of direction transfer (something) to someone, especially by handing or bequeathing it to the next person in a series传递, 传送; 转移:
your letter has been passed to Mr Rich for action
pass the milk
with two objs he passed her a cup.他递给她一只杯子。
- no obj., with adverbial be transferred from one person or place to another, especially by inheritance(尤指通过继承方式)转让, 转移; 传递:
the poem was passed from generation to generation.
- (in soccer, rugby, and other games) kick, hit, or throw (the ball) to another player of one's own side(足球、英橄以及其他比赛中)传(球)。
- put (something, especially money) into circulation使(货币等)流通:
persons who have passed bad cheques.
- no obj.(especially of money) circulate; be current(尤指货币)流通, 流传; 通用:
racegoers had formed card schools, and cash was passing briskly.
经常看赛马的人组成了牌搭子, 现金输赢很快。
- with obj.(of a candidate) be successful in (an examination, test, or course)通过(考试、测验、课程):
she passed her driving test.
- judge the performance or standard of (someone or something) to be satisfactory判定(人, 物)合格(或达标):
with obj. and complement he was passed fit by army doctors.经过检查, 军医认为他的身体合格。
- no obj.
pass as/for
be accepted as or taken for被认为, 被当作: he could pass for a native of Sweden.
- with obj.(of a legislative or other official body) approve or put into effect (a proposal or law) by voting on it批准, 通过(议案、法律等):
the bill was passed despite fierce opposition.
尽管遭到强烈反对, 这个议案还是获得通过。
- (of a proposal or law) be examined and approved by (a parliamentary body or process)(议案, 法律等)被…批准(或通过):
bills that passed committees last year.
- no obj.(of a proposal) be approved被批准, 被通过:
the Bill passed by 164 votes to 107.
- with obj. pronounce (a judgement or judicial sentence)宣布(裁定, 判决):
passing judgement on these crucial issues
it is now my duty to pass sentence upon you.
- utter (something, especially criticism)提出(批评等):
she would pass remarks about the Peebles in their own house.
- no obj.
pass on/upon
archaic adjudicate or give a judgement on〈古〉宣判, 判决; 评判: a jury could not be trusted to pass upon the question of Endacott's good faith.
- with obj. discharge (something, especially urine or faeces) from the body排泄:
frequency of passing urine.
排尿次数, 排尿频度。
- no obj. forgo one's turn in a game or an offered opportunity to do or have something放弃, 弃权:
we pass on pudding and have coffee.
我们不要布丁, 要咖啡。
- as exclamation said when one does not know the answer to a question, for example in a quiz(因回答不出问题而说)过:
to the enigmatic question we answered 'Pass'.
对于这个令人费解的问题, 我们回答道:“过。”
- with obj.(of a company) not declare or pay (a dividend)(公司)不支付(红利)。
- Bridge make no bid when it is one's turn during an auction【桥牌】不叫。
- with obj. Bridge make no bid in response to (one's partner's bid)【桥牌】(对搭档的叫牌)不应叫:
East had passed his partner's opening bid of one club.
- an act or instance of moving past or through something经过, 通过:
repeated passes with the swipe card
an unmarked plane had been making passes over his house.
- informal an amorous or sexual advance made to someone〈非正式〉调情, 勾引:
she made a pass at Stephen.
- an act of passing the hands over anything, as in conjuring or hypnotism(变魔术或施催眠术时)手的动作, 手法; (掠过物体的)手的移动。
- a thrust in fencing(击剑中的)戳刺。
- a juggling trick变戏法, 作手法。
- Bridge an act of refraining from bidding during the auction【桥牌】不叫。
- Computing a single scan through a set of data or a program【计算机】(对一组数据或一个程序的)一次浏览, 一次扫描。
- a success in an examination及格, 合格, 及格分数:
an A-level pass in Music
as modifier a 100 per cent pass rate.100%的及格率。
- Brit. an achievement of a university degree without honours〈英〉及格证书:
as modifier a pass degree.合格学位。
- a card, ticket, or permit giving authorization for the holder to enter or have access to a place, form of transport, or event通行证, 出入证; 入场券; 乘车券。
- historical (in South Africa) a temporary permit allowing movement from one district to another〈史〉(南非)临时通行证。
- historical (in South Africa) an identity book which black people had to carry between 1952 and 1986, used to limit the movement of black people to urban areas〈史〉(南非于1952-1986年间为限制黑人前往市区而令他们随身携带的)身份簿:
as modifier the pass laws.身份证法。
- (in soccer, rugby, and other games) an act of kicking, hitting, or throwing the ball to another player on the same side(足球、英橄以及其他运动中给己方球员的)传球。
- a state or situation of a specified, usually bad or difficult, nature(一般指不利的)情况, 状况, 境遇:
this is a sad pass for a fixture which used to crackle with excitement.
以往总是让人充满激情的定期演出, 现在情况不太妙。
come to a pretty pass
- reach a bad or regrettable state of affairs陷入困境, 变得很尴尬。
pass the baton
pass the buck
- 见BUCK3.
pass one's eye over
- read (a document) cursorily草草地看, 马虎地读(文件)。
pass the hat round
- 见HAT.
pass one's lips
- 见LIP.
pass muster
pass the parcel
pass the time of day
- 见TIME.
pass water
- urinate小便。
nounhe's a good passer of the ball.
pass someone by
- happen without being noticed or fully experienced by someone不注意, 忽视:
sometimes I feel that life is passing me by.
pass off
- (of proceedings) happen or be carried through in a specified, usually satisfactory way发生, (顺利)完成:
the weekend had passed off entirely without incident.
pass something off
- evade or lightly dismiss an awkward remark回避; 把注意力从…移开:
he made a light joke and passed it off.
- Basketball throw the ball to a teammate who is unmarked【篮球】传球(给未被对方盯住的队友):
he scored eight times and passed off forty-one assists.
pass someone/thing off as
- falsely represent a person or thing as (something else)假冒, 冒充:
the drink was packaged in champagne bottles and was being passed off as the real stuff.
这酒被装进香槟酒瓶, 冒充真品。
pass out
- become unconscious失去知觉, 晕倒:
he consumed enough alcohol to make him pass out.
- Brit. complete one's initial training in the armed forces〈英〉结束新兵训练。
pass someone over
- ignore the claims of someone to promotion or advancement(对某人要求提升、晋级的请求)不作考虑:
he was passed over for a cabinet job.
pass something over
- avoid mentioning or considering something忽略, 忽视:
I shall pass over the matter of the transitional period.
对过渡期的事, 我不会放在心上的。
pass something up
- refrain from taking up an opportunity放过, 拒绝:
he passed up a career in pro baseball.
- a route over or through mountains(山坳)通道, 山口:
the pass over the mountain was open again after the snows
in place names the Khyber Pass开伯尔山口。
- a passage for fish over or past a weir or dam鱼道, 洄游通道。
head(或cut)someone/thing off at the pass
- forestall someone or something预防, 预先阻止(或妨碍):
he came up with this story at the last minute, just to cut me off at the pass.
在最后关头他才提出这种说法, 无非是想对我来个先发制人。
sell the pass
- Brit. betray a cause〈英〉背叛事业, 出卖立场:
he is merciless to other poets whom he considers to have sold the pass.
对其他那些他认为出卖了立场的诗人, 他都是很无情的。