- a piece or segment of something such as an object, activity, or period of time, which combined with other pieces makes up the whole一部分, 部分:
divide the circle into three equal parts
the early part of 1989.
- an element or constituent that belongs to something and is essential to its nature成分, 要素:
I was part of the family.
- a component of a machine配件; 零件; 部件:
the production of aircraft parts.
- a measure allowing comparison between the amounts of different ingredients used in a mixture(混合物的)一等份:
use a mix of one part cement to five parts ballast.
- a specified fraction of a whole特定份额, 指定份额:
they paid a twentieth part of the cost.
- a division of a book treated as a unit in which a particular topic is discussed(书的)章, 篇, 部。
- the amount of a serial that is published or broadcast at one time(连续出版物的)分册; (连续剧的)节, 段, 集。
informal short for PRIVATE PARTS.〈非正式〉PRIVATE PARTS的简称。
- some but not all of something部分, 局部:
the painting tells only part of the story.
- a point on or area of something点, 部分:
hold the furthest part of your leg that you can reach.
informal a region, especially one not clearly specified or delimited〈非正式〉(尤指界限不明的)地区, 区域:they wanted to know why he was loitering in these parts.
- a character as represented in a play or film; a role played by an actor or actress人物, 角色:
she played a lot of leading parts
he took the part of Prospero.
- the words and directions to be learned and performed by an actor in such a role(角色的)台词和动作:
she was memorizing a part.
- Music a melody or other constituent of harmony assigned to a particular voice or instrument in a musical work【乐】声部, 分谱:
he coped well with the percussion part.
- the contribution made by someone or something to an action or situation作用; 份儿:
he played a key part in ending the revolt
he may be jailed for his part in the robbery.
由于参与抢劫, 他可能会被关进监狱。
- the behaviour appropriate to or expected of a person in a particular role or situation; a person's duty本分, 职责:
in such a place his part is to make good.
在这样一个位置上, 他的职责就是把事情做好。
- the chance to be involved in something干系, 关系:
they were legislating for a future they had no part in.
archaic abilities〈古〉能力。
- N. Amer. a parting in the hair〈北美〉(头发的)分缝, 头路。
- (of two things) move away from each other分开:
his lips parted in a smile.
- divide to leave a central space散开; 裂开, 断裂:
at that moment the mist parted.
- with obj. cause to divide or move apart, leaving a central space使分开, 使裂开:
she parted the ferns and looked between them.
她拨开那些蕨类植物, 朝中间看了看。
- leave someone's company分手, 告别:
there was a good deal of kissing and more congratulations before we parted.
分别前, 我们互相热吻, 又说了许多祝福的话。
be parted
leave the company of someone与…分离, 离开:she can't bear to be parted from her daughter again.
part with
give up possession of; hand over放弃; 移交, 送交:even quite small companies parted with large sums.
- with obj. separate (the hair of the head on either side of the parting) with a comb把(头发)往两边分开梳理。
- to some extent; partly (often used to contrast different parts of something)有些; 部分地(常用于对比事物的不同部分):
the city is now part slum, part consumer paradise.
现在, 这个城市部分是贫民窟, 部分是消费者的天堂。
be part and parcel of
- be an essential feature or element of是…的本质特征(或要素), 是…的基本部分:
it's best to accept that some inconveniences are part and parcel of travel.
for my (或his, her等)part
- used to focus attention on one person or group and distinguish them from others involved in a situation就我(或他、她等)来说:
I for my part find the story less than convincing.
就我而言, 我觉得这个故事毫无说服力。
in part
- to some extent though not entirely部分地, 在某种程度上:
the cause of the illness is at least in part psychological.
look the part
- have an appearance or style of dress appropriate to a particular role or situation看上去像模像样, 看起来样子像那种人。
a man of (many) parts
- a man showing great ability in many different areas多面手, 有多种才能的人。
on the part of (或on my, their等part)
- used to ascribe responsibility for something to someone(责任)在…一方:
there was a series of errors on my part.
part company
- (of two or more people) cease to be together; go in different directions分离; 分手:
they parted company outside the Red Lion.
- (of tow or more parties) cease to associate with each other, especially as the result of a disagreement(尤指由于意见不合而)分道扬镳; 绝交:
the chairman has parted company with the club.
take part
- join in an activity; be involved参与, 参加(活动); 卷入:
we have come here to take part in a major game
they ran away and took no part in the battle.
他们逃走了, 没有参加这场战斗。
take the part of
- give support and encouragement to (someone) in a dispute(在争执中)支持并鼓励(某人), 站在(某人)一边, 袒护(某人)。