Sinn Fein
/ˈʃɪnˈfeɪn, 〈爱尔兰〉 ˌsʲinʲ ˈfʲeːnʲ/- a political movement and party seeking a united republican Ireland新芬党(旨在寻求统一的爱尔兰共和国的政治运动及政党)。
Founded in 1905, Sinn Fein became increasingly committed to Republicanism after the failure of the Home Rule movement. Having won a majority of Irish seats in the 1918 general election, its members refused to go to Westminster and set up their own parliament in Ireland in 1919. After a split in the 1920s the party began to function as the political wing of the IRA. It now sends representatives to the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Irish Dáil; Sinn Fein MPs elected to the House of Commons do not take up their seats.
Sinn Feiner
from Irish sinn féin 'we ourselves'.