

单词 Ottoman Empire

Ottoman Empire

the Turkish empire, established in northern Anatolia by Osman I at the end of the 13th century and expanded by his successors to include all of Asia Minor and much of SE Europe. After setbacks caused by the invasion of the Mongol ruler Tamerlane in 1402, Constantinople was captured in 1453 and the empire reached its zenith under Suleiman in the mid 16th century. It had greatly declined by the 19th century and collapsed after the First World War.
奥斯曼帝国(奥斯曼一世13世纪末在安那托利亚北部建立的土耳其帝国, 后被他的继承者扩张至包括小亚细亚全部和东南欧洲大部; 1402年蒙古统治者帖木儿的入侵使帝国遭受挫折后, 于1453年攻占君士坦丁堡, 16世纪中叶在苏莱曼的统治下达到极盛时期, 到19世纪帝国已大大衰落, 第一次世界大战之后崩溃)。




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