- the lowest cardinal number; half of two;1一; 一个:
there's only room for one person
two could live as cheaply as one
one hundred miles
World War One
a one-bedroom flat.
(Roman numeral: i, I. 罗马数字: i, I.)
- a single person or thing, viewed as taking the place of a group一个人; 一个东西:
they would straggle home in ones and twos.
- single; just one as opposed to any more or to none at all (used for emphasis)唯一, 单一:
her one concern is to save her daughter.
- denoting a particular item of a pair or number of items(两个或几个中的)一个:
electronics is one of his hobbies
he put one hand over her shoulder and one around her waist
他把一只手放在她肩上, 另一只手搂着她的腰
a glass tube closed at one end.
- denoting a particular but unspecified occasion or period(某)一个(场合或阶段):
one afternoon in late October.
- used before a name to denote a person who is not familiar or has not been previously mentioned; a certain某位(用于人名前表示不熟悉或之前没有提过):
he worked as a clerk for one Mr Ming.
- informal, chiefly N. Amer. a noteworthy example of (used for emphasis)〈非正式, 主北美〉一个典范(用于强调):
the actor was one smart-mouthed troublemaker
he was one hell of a snappy dresser.
- identical; the same相同的:
all types of training meet one common standard.
- identical and united; forming a unity同一个; 一体的:
the two things are one and the same.
- W. Indian alone〈西印度〉单独:
the time when you one tackled a field of cane and finished before the others had even started.
你独自应付一片甘蔗地, 还要在别人开始之前就完成的那个年代。
ORIGIN: a use recorded in Old English, becoming obsolete in standard use in the mid 16th cent.
- one year old一岁。
- one o'clock一点钟:
it's half past one
I'll be there at one.
- informal an alcoholic drink〈非正式〉一杯酒:
a cool one after a day on the water.
- informal a joke or story〈非正式〉一个玩笑; 一个故事:
the one about the Englishman, the Irishman, and the Yank.
- a size of garment or other merchandise denoted by one(衣服等商品的)一号。
- a domino or dice with one spot一点的多米诺骨牌; 一点的骰子。
- referring to a person or thing previously mentioned那个人; 那个东西:
her mood changed from one of moroseness to one of joy
her best apron, the white one.
她最好的围裙, 白色的那条。
- used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to any example of a noun previously mentioned or easily identified[用作动词或介词的宾语, 指代前面出现过或易于确定的一个名词]一个; 一份:
they had to buy their own copies rather than waiting to borrow one
他们得自己买几本, 而不是等着借一本
do you want one?
- a person of a specified kind(特指的)那种人:
you're the one who ruined her life
Eleanor was never one to be trifled with
my friends and loved ones.
- a person who is remarkable or extraordinary in some way突出的人; 特别的人:
you never saw such a one for figures.
- third person singular used to refer to any person as representing people in general(泛指)一个人; 任何人:
one must admire him for his willingness.
- referring to the speaker as representing people in general我们:
one gets the impression that he is ahead.
at one
- in agreement or harmony适应; 协调; 一致:
they were completely at one with their environment.
for one
- used to stress that the person named holds the specified view, even if no one else does仅就(某人)来看; 举个例说:
I for one am getting a little sick of writing about it.
就我而言, 我开始有点厌恶写它了。
get something in one
- informal understand or succeed in guessing something immediately〈非正式〉理解正确, 猜测正确。
have one over the eight
one after another(或the other)
- following one another in quick succession一个接着一个地:
one after another the buses drew up.
one and all
- everyone每个人:
well done one and all!
one and only
- unique; single (used for emphasis or as a designation of a celebrity)唯一的; 单个的:
the title of his one and only book
the one and only Muhammad Ali.
one by one
- separately and in succession; singly一个一个地; 逐一地。
one day
- at a particular but unspecified time in the past or future一天, 有一天:
one day a boy started teasing Grady
一天, 一个男孩开始取笑格雷迪
he would one day be a great President.
one for one
- denoting or referring to a situation or arrangement in which one thing corresponds to or is exchanged for another一对一:
these donations would be matched on a one-for-one basis with public revenues.
one of a kind
- 见KIND1.
one on one(或one to one)
- denoting or referring to a situation in which two parties come into direct contact, opposition, or correspondence面对面地:
maybe we should talk to them one on one.
- one-to-one Mathematics in which each member of one set is associated with one member of another【数】一一对应(法则)。
one or another(或the other)
- denoting or referring to a particular but unspecified one out of a set of items一系列事物中的某一个; 这个或那个:
not all instances fall neatly into one or another of these categories.
one or two
- informal a few〈非正式〉一些:
there are one or two signs worth watching for.
one thing and another
- informal used to cover various unspecified matters, events, or tasks〈非正式〉这样那样的事(泛指许多事情):
what with one thing and another she hadn't had much sleep recently.