- used to express a range of emotions including surprise, anger, disappointment, or joy, or when reacting to something that has just been said[表示惊讶、愤怒、失望、高兴等感情, 或对前面刚说的话作出反应]哦:
'Oh no,' said Daisy, appalled
Me? Oh, I'm fine
我?哦, 我很好
oh, shut up.
哦, 住嘴。
oh boy
- used to express surprise or excitement表示惊讶或兴奋好家伙。
oh well
- used to express resignation表示顺从好吧:
oh well, please yourself.
好吧, 请便吧。
oh yeah?
- used to express disbelief表示不相信是吗?
mid 16th cent.: variant of O3.