- the part projecting above the mouth on the face of a person or animal, containing the nostrils and used for breathing and smelling鼻。
- in sing. the sense of smell, especially a dog's ability to track something by its scent嗅觉(尤指狗根据气味跟踪被追逐对象的能力):
a dog with a keen nose.
- in sing. figurative an instinctive talent for detecting something〈喻〉觉察力:
he has a nose for a good script.
- the aroma of a particular substance, especially wine(尤指葡萄酒的)香味。
- the front end of an aircraft, car, or other vehicle(飞机、汽车或其他车辆的)前端突出部。
- a projecting part of something突出部分:
the nose of the saddle.
- in sing. a look, especially out of curiosity(尤指出于好奇的)探看:
she wanted a good nose round the house.
- informal a police informer〈非正式〉警方线人。
- no obj., with adverbial of place(of an animal) thrust its nose against or into something, especially in order to smell it(动物)伸出鼻子(嗅、闻):
the pony nosed at the straw.
- with obj. smell or sniff (something)嗅, 闻。
- no obj. investigate or pry into something调查; 窥探; 打听:
I was anxious to get inside and nose around her house
she's always nosing into my business.
- with obj. detect in such a way侦察, 探察。
- no obj., with adverbial of direction(of a vehicle or its driver) make one's way cautiously forward(车辆或驾车人)小心翼翼地行驶:
he turned left and nosed into an empty parking space.
他把车向左转, 小心地开进了一个停车空位。
- (of a competitor) manage to achieve a winning or leading position, especially by a small margin(尤指以微弱优势)获胜(或领先):
they nosed ahead by one point.
by a nose
- (of a victory) by a very narrow margin凭微弱优势(获胜)。
count noses
- count people, typically in order to determine the numbers in a vote(尤指为确定表决时的票数而)数人数。
cut off one's nose to spite one's face
- disadvantage oneself in the course of trying to disadvantage another损人又害己。
get one's nose in front
- (of a competitor) manage to achieve a winning or leading position(竞争者)获得领先地位; 领先。
get up someone's nose
- informal irritate or annoy someone〈非正式〉惹怒某人。
give someone a bloody nose
- inflict a resounding defeat on someone彻底击败某人。
have one's nose in a book
- be reading studiously or intently全神贯注地看书。
keep one's nose clean
- informal stay out of trouble〈非正式〉不卷入是非; 远离麻烦; 洁身自好。
keep one's nose out of
- refrain from interfering in (someone else's affairs)不干涉(他人的事)。
keep one's nose to the grindstone
nose to tail
- (of vehicles) moving or standing close behind one another, especially in heavy traffic(尤指交通繁忙时车辆)一辆紧接一辆, 首尾相连。
not see further than one's(或the end of one's) nose
- be unwilling or fail to consider different possibilities or to foresee the consequences of one's actions无远见; 估计不到可能出现的情况(或可能产生的后果)。
on the nose
- to a person's sense of smell气味重的, 刺鼻的:
the wine is pungently smoky and peppery on the nose.
- informal, chiefly N. Amer. precisely〈非正式, 主北美〉精确地:
at ten on the nose the van pulled up.
- Austral. informal distasteful; offensive.〈澳, 非正式〉令人不快的; 讨厌的。
- informal (of betting) on a horse to win (as opposed to being placed)〈非正式〉(赛马打赌时预测)赢得第一名(而非第二、第三名)的马。
put someone's nose out of joint
- informal upset or annoy someone〈非正式〉使某人不安; 惹恼某人。
speak through one's nose
- pronounce words with a nasal twang用鼻音说话。
turn one's nose up at something
- informal show distaste or contempt for something〈非正式〉厌恶某物; 蔑视某物:
he turned his nose up at the job.
under someone's nose
- informal directly in front of someone〈非正式〉就在某人面前, 就在某人鼻子底下:
he thrust the paper under the Inspector's nose.
- (of an action) committed openly and boldly, but without someone noticing or noticing in time to prevent it(指行动公开、大胆, 但未引起注意或未被及时注意并制止)就在某人鼻子底下, 就在某人眼皮底下; 当着某人的面。
with one's nose in the air
- haughtily鼻子朝天地, 傲慢地:
she walked past the cars with her nose in the air.