/ˈnɔːweɪ/- a mountainous European country on the northern and western coastline of Scandinavia; pop.4,660, 500 (est. 2009); official language, Norwegian; capital, Oslo. Norwegian name NORGE.挪威(欧洲一个多山国家, 位于斯堪的纳维亚半岛西部和北部海岸; 2009年估计人口4,660, 500; 官方语言挪威语; 首都奥斯陆; 挪威语名NORGE)。
Norway was united with Denmark and Sweden by the Union of Kalmar in 1397, but after Sweden's withdrawal in 1523 became subject to Denmark. Ceded to Sweden in 1814, Norway emerged as an independent kingdom in 1905. An invitation to join the EC was rejected after a referendum in 1972; an application to join the European Union twenty years later was accepted by the European Parliament but failed to win approval in a referendum (1994).