North-West Passage
- a sea passage along the northern coast of the American continent, through the Canadian Arctic from the Atlantic to the Pacific. It was sought for many years as a possible trade route by explorers including Sebastian Cabot, Sir Francis Drake, and Martin Frobisher; it was first navigated in 1903-6 by Roald Amundsen.西北航道(沿美洲大陆北海岸的航道, 由大西洋经加拿大北冰洋至太平洋, 是包括塞巴斯蒂安·卡伯特、弗兰西斯·德雷克爵士和马丁·弗罗比歇等在内的探险家们寻求多年的贸易航线; 1903-1906年罗尔德·阿蒙森首航成功)。