1- a plant related to the potato, typically having poisonous black or red berries. Several kinds of nightshade have been used in the production of herbal medicines.茄属植物(尤指有黑色或红色有毒浆果的茄属植物, 其中数种可用来做草药)。
- Solanum and other genera, family Solanaceae (the nightshade family): several species, including the European woody nightshade (S. dulcamara), a climber with purple flowers and red berries. The nightshade family includes many commercially important plants (potato, tomato, capsicum peppers, tobacco) as well as a number of highly poisonous ones (henbane, thorn apple).茄属及其他属, 茄科(茄属植物科): 数种, 包括欧洲的蜀羊泉(拉丁名S.dulcamara), 这是一种开紫色花、结红色浆果的攀缘植物。茄科植物包括许多有重要商业价值的植物(如马铃薯、番茄、辣椒、烟草)和一些毒性很大的植物(天仙子和曼陀罗)。参见DEADLY NIGHTSHADE.