/ˈniːbəlʊŋənˌliːd/- a 13th-century German poem, embodying a story found in the (Poetic) Edda, telling of the life and death of Siegfried, a prince of the Netherlands. There have been many adaptations of the story, including Wagner's epic music drama Der Ring des Nibelungen (1847-74).《尼贝龙根之歌》(德国13世纪史诗, 包含了《诗体埃达》中所述的故事, 讲述了荷兰王子西格夫里特的一生和死亡; 根据这个故事改编的作品很多, 包括瓦格纳的史诗音乐剧《尼贝龙根的指环》[1847-1874])。
German, from the name N IBELUNG+ Lied 'song'.