- not the one nor the other of two people or things: not either(两者中)无一个:
as determiner neither side of the brain is dominant over the other大脑的任何一侧都不主宰另一侧
as pronoun neither of us believes it.我们俩都不相信它。
- used before the first of two (or occasionally more) alternatives that are being specified (the others being introduced by 'nor') to indicate that they are each untrue or each do not happen与nor 合用两者皆非; 两者均不:
I am neither a liberal nor a conservative.
我既不是自由派, 也不是保守派。
- used to introduce a further negative statement也不:
he didn't remember, and neither did I.
他记不得了, 我也一样。
neither here nor there
- 见HERE.
Middle English: alteration (by association with EITHER) of Old English nawther, contraction of nāhwæther (from nā 'no' + hwæther 'whether').