- a word or set of words by which a person, animal, place, or thing is known, addressed, or referred to名字; 姓名; 姓; 名称:
my name is Parsons, John Parsons
我的名字叫帕森斯, 约翰·帕森斯
Kalkwasser is the German name for limewater.
- someone or something regarded as existing merely as a word and lacking substance or reality虚名:
Nathan Bryce was still simply a name in a gossip column.
- a famous person名人:
as usual, the big race will lure the top names.
同平常一样, 大型的比赛会吸引一流的选手。
- in sing. a reputation, especially a good one名声, 名誉; 声望:
he set up a school which gained a name for excellence.
他办了一所学校, 声誉卓著。
- (in the UK) an insurance underwriter belonging to a Lloyd's syndicate(英国)属劳埃德保险社辛迪加的承保人。
- give a name to给…取名字; 为…定名:
hundreds of diseases had not yet been isolated or named
with obj. and complement she decided to name the child Edward.她决定给孩子取名为爱德华。
- identify by name; give the correct name for确认…的姓名; 给出…的正确名字:
the dead man has been named as John Mackintosh.
经辨认, 死者叫约翰·麦金托什。
- give a particular title or epithet to用某种称号(或绰号)来称呼; 授予…某种称号:
she was named as Student of the Year.
- mention or cite by name提及; 引述:
the sea is as crystal clear as any spot in the Caribbean you might care to name.
- appoint (someone) to a particular position or task委任; 委派:
he was named to head a joint UN-OAS diplomatic effort.
- chiefly Brit. (of the Speaker) mention (a member of the legislative assembly) by name as disobedient to the chair and thereby subject to a ban from the House〈主英〉(下议院议长)点名开除(立法委员会成员)的议员身份。
- specify (a sum, time, or place) as something desired, suggested, or decided on说定; 决定(数额、时间或地点):
the club have asked Ballymena to name their price for the Scottish striker.
- (of a person or commercial product) having a name that is widely known(人, 商品)有名的, 出名的:
countless specialized name brands geared to niche markets.
by name
- using the name of someone or something以名字; 指名道姓地:
ask for the street by name.
by (或of) the name of
- called以…为名, 名叫:
a woman by the name of Smeeton.
call someone names
- insult someone verbally谩骂某人。
give someone/thing a bad name
- damage the reputation of someone or something毁坏…的声誉:
the gas guzzling machinery that gives the country such a bad name.
give one's name to
- invent, discover, or found something which then becomes known by one's name发明(或发现、创建)以自己名字命名的事物:
the company's founder, Henry Ford, gave his name to Fordism.
something has someone's name on it
- a person is destined or particularly suited to receive or experience a specified thing(某物)注定要被(某人)得到(或遭遇):
he dared not go out for fear of encountering a bullet with his name on it.
他不敢外出, 害怕被针对他的子弹所射杀。
have to one's name
- often with negative in one's possession拥有:
Jimmy hadn't a bean to his name.
in all but name
- existing in a particular state but not formally recognized as such没有名分; 未获正式承认:
these polytechnics had been universities in all but name for many years.
许多年来, 这些理工专科学校除了没有名分, 与大学无甚差别。
in someone's name
- formally registered as belonging to or reserved for someone(登记)在…的名下:
the house was in her name.
- on behalf of someone以…的名义:
he began to question what had been done in his name.
in the name of
- bearing or using the name of a specified person or organization在…的名下; 用…的名义:
a driving licence in the name of William Sanders.
- for the sake of为…的缘故:
he withdrew his candidacy for the nation's top post in the name of party unity.
为了党内团结, 他退出了国家最高职位的竞选。
- by the authority of依凭, 凭借:
crimes committed in the name of religion.
in the name of Christ/God/Allah/heaven etc.
used for emphasis[用于表示强调]究竟:what in the name of God do you think you're doing?
in name only
- by description but not in reality在名义上:
a college in name only.
make a name for oneself
- become famous成名, 出名。
name the day
- arrange a date for a specific occasion, especially a wedding决定日期(尤指婚期)。
one's name is mud
- 见MUD.
name names
- mention specific names, especially of people involved in something wrong or illegal指名道姓(尤指说出做错事的人或违法者):
if you're convinced my staff are part of this operation, then name names.
如果你确信我的员工参与了这个行动, 就说出他们的名字。
the name of the game
- informal the main purpose or most important aspect of a situation〈非正式〉最要紧的东西, 实质。
no names, no pack drill
put down (或enter) one's (或someone's) name
- apply to enter an educational institution, course, competition, etc.报名就读(或选课、参赛):
I put my name down for the course.
put a name to
- remember or decide what someone or something is called记住…的名字; 为…取名(或命名)。
take someone's name in vain
- 见VAIN.
to name (but) a few
- giving only these as examples, even though more could be cited仅举几个例子:
the ingredients used are drawn from nature - avocado, lemon grass, and chamomile to name a few.
what's in a name?
- names are arbitrary labels名称又能代表什么呢?:
'But was it still an opera?' 'What's in a name?' he replied.
you name it
- informal whatever you can think of (used to express the extent or variety of something)〈非正式〉凡是你能想到的(用于表示范围和种类):
easy-to-assemble kits of locos, cars, lorries, ships ... you name it.
adjectivename someone/thing after (〈北美〉亦作for)
- call someone or something by the same name as以…命名:
Nathaniel was named after his maternal grandfather.