Munchausen, Baron
/ˈmʌntʃaʊzən, 〈德〉ˈmynçˌhaʊzn/- the hero of a book of fantastic travellers' tales (1785) written in English by a German, Rudolph Erich Raspe. The original Baron Munchausen is said to have lived 1720- 97, to have served in the Russian army against the Turks, and to have related extravagant tales of his prowess.闵希豪生男爵(一部1785年传奇游记的主人公, 游记内容荒诞离奇, 由德国人拉斯佩[鲁道夫·埃里希]用英文写成; 据传男爵的原型生活于1720-1797年间, 曾加入俄国军队与土耳其人作战, 擅讲吹嘘自己英勇的怪异故事)。