Sihanouk, Norodom (b. 1922), Cambodian king 1941-55 and since 1993, Prime Minister 1955-60, and head of state 1960-70 and 1975-6. After Cambodian independence in 1953, Sihanouk abdicated in favour of his father in order to become Prime Minister. On his father's death Sihanouk proclaimed himself head of state. He was ousted in a US-backed coup and was briefly reinstated by the Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk was crowned for the second time in 1993.
西哈努克, 诺罗敦(1922年生, 1941-1955及1993年后为柬埔寨国王, 1955-1960年为首相, 1960-1970年及1975-1976年为国家元首。1953年柬埔寨独立后, 为当首相而退位, 其父为国王; 其父死后, 西哈努克宣布自己为国家元首, 在美国支持的一次军事政变中被赶下台, 后又被红色高棉很快重新推上台, 1993年第二次加冕)。