- of or denoting a partly Gothic, partly Islamic style of architecture and art prevalent in Spain in the 12th to 15th centuries穆德扎尔风格的(指12-15世纪盛行于西班牙, 兼具哥特式和伊斯兰风格的建筑和艺术)。
- of or relating to Muslim subjects of Christian monarchs during the reconquest of the Iberian peninsula from the Moors(与)穆德扎尔人(有关)的(指基督教统治者从莫尔人手中夺回伊比利亚半岛统治权后的穆斯林居民)。
(pl. Mudejares /-reɪz/)
- a subject Muslim during the Christian reconquest of the Iberian peninsula from the Moors (11th-15th centuries) who, until 1492, was allowed to retain Islamic laws and religion in return for loyalty to a Christian monarch穆德扎尔人(11-15世纪基督教统治者从莫尔人手中夺回伊比利亚半岛统治权后的穆斯林臣民, 直至1492年穆德扎尔人被允许保留伊斯兰法律和宗教, 但同时被要求忠于基督徒君主)。
via Spanish from Arabic mudajjan 'allowed to stay'.