1- Archaeology of, relating to, or denoting the main culture of the Middle Palaeolithic period in Europe, between the Acheulian and Aurignacian periods (chiefly 80,000-35,000 years ago). It is associated with Neanderthal peoples and is typified by flints worked on one side only.【考古】(与)穆斯特文化(有关)的(穆斯特文化为欧洲旧石器时代中期的主要文化, 介于阿舍利文化时期和奥瑞纳文化时期之间[主要在80,000-35,000年前]; 穆斯特文化与尼安德特各民族有关, 特点为单面加工的燧石)。参见LEVALLOIS.
- as noun the Mousterian the Mousterian culture or period穆斯特文化(时期)。
late 19th cent.: from French moustiérien, from Le Moustier, a cave in SW France where objects from this culture were found.