- climb up (stairs, a hill, or other rising surface)登(楼梯、山或其他上升面):
he mounted the stairs.
- climb or move up on to (a raised surface)登上:
the master of ceremonies mounted the platform.
- get up on (an animal or bicycle) in order to ride it骑上(动物, 自行车)。
- (常作be mounted)set (someone) on horseback; provide with a horse使(人)骑上马; 给(人)配备马匹:
she was mounted on a white horse.
- (of a male mammal or bird) get on (a female) for the purpose of copulation(雄性哺乳动物, 雄鸟)趴到(雌性)身上交配。
- no obj.(of the blood or its colour) rise into the cheeks(血, 红晕)涌上脸颊:
feeling the blush mount in her cheeks, she looked down quickly.
她感到脸红了起来, 就急忙低下头。
- organize and initiate (a campaign or other significant course of action)发动(战役或其他重大行动); 开展(工作等):
the company had successfully mounted takeover bids.
- establish; set up设立, 设置:
security forces mounted check points at every key road.
- produce (a play, exhibition, or other artistic event); present for public view or display上演(戏剧); 举办(展览等艺术活动)。
- no obj. grow larger or more numerous增加, 增长:
the costs mount up when you buy a home.
- (of a feeling) become stronger or more intense(情绪)加剧:
his anxiety mounted as messages were left unanswered.
因为一直没回音, 他越发着急起来。
- with obj. and adverbial of place place or fix (an object) on an elevated support安装…于高处:
fluorescent lights are mounted on the ceiling.
- fix (an object) in position把…固定(或安装)到位:
the engine is mounted behind the rear seats.
- with obj. place (a gun) on a fixed mounting架(炮)于炮座。
- with obj. set in or attach to a backing or setting镶嵌; 裱贴:
the photographs will be mounted and framed.
- with obj. fix (an object for viewing) on a microscope slide把(观察对象)固定于显微镜的载玻片。
- with obj. Computing make (a disk or disk drive) available for use【计算机】安装(磁盘, 磁盘驱动器)。
- a backing or setting on which a photograph, gem, or work of art is set for display(相片)框; (艺术品)装帧, 衬托纸; (镶宝石)底板, 托板。
- a glass microscope slide for securing a specimen to be viewed(显微镜观察的)封片。
- a stamp hinge(贴邮票用的)透明胶纸。
- a support for a gun, camera, or similar piece of equipment(炮、摄影机等)底座, 座架。
- a horse being ridden or that is available for riding供乘骑的马:
he hung on to his mount's bridle.
- an opportunity to ride a horse, especially as a jockey(尤指赛马骑师)骑马机会:
the jockey's injuries forced him to give up the coveted mount on Cool Ground.
mount guard
- keep watch, especially for protection or to prevent escape守卫; 看守(尤指为保护或防止逃跑)。
noun- a mountain or hill (archaic except in place names)除用于地名外均为古义山; 丘:
Mount Etna.
- any of several fleshy prominences on the palm of the hand regarded in palmistry as signifying the degree of influence of a particular planet掌丘(手相术中认为代表某一命运星辰对人影响程度的掌上凸起部分):
mount of Mars.