/ˌmɒntsəˈræt/- an island in the Caribbean, one of the Leeward Islands; pop.5,100 (est. 2009); capital, Plymouth. It was colonized by Irish settlers in 1632 and is now a British dependency. Since 1995 it has been severely affected by the ongoing eruption of the Soufrière Hills volcano, causing the evacuation of the southern part of the island, including Plymouth.蒙特塞拉特岛(位于加勒比海, 背风群岛之一, 2009年估计人口5,100, 首府普利茅斯; 1632年爱尔兰人移民至此, 现为英国属地; 1995年以来深受苏弗里耶活火山不断爆发影响, 该岛南部, 包括普利茅斯, 居民已全部撤离)。
adjective & noun/ˈræʃən/
visited by Columbus in 1493, the island was named after a Benedictine monastery on the mountain of Montserrat in Catalonia, NE Spain.