a German family of scientific entrepreneurs and engineers. Ernst Werner von Siemens (1816-92) was an electrical engineer who developed the process of electroplating, devised an electric generator which used an electromagnet, and pioneered electrical traction. His brother Karl Wilhelm (1823-83) (also known as Sir Charles William Siemens) moved to England, where he developed the open-hearth steel furnace and designed the cable-laying steamship Faraday. Their brother Friedrich (1826-1904) applied the principles of the open-hearth furnace to glass-making.
西门子(一个德国科学实业家和工程师家庭; 恩斯脱·韦尔纳·冯·西门子[1816-1892]是电机工程师, 发明了电镀法, 设计了电磁式发电机, 开创了电气铁道事业; 其弟卡尔·威尔海姆[1823-1883], 亦称查尔斯·威廉·西门子爵士, 移居英国, 研制了平炉炼钢法, 设计了铺设电缆的汽船“法拉第”号; 其弟弗雷德西[1826-1904]将平炉炼钢法应用到玻璃制造中)。