- of or relating to the broad division of humankind including the indigenous peoples of east Asia, SE Asia, and the Arctic region of North America(与)蒙古人种(包括东亚、东南亚以及北美北极地区土著)(有关)的。
offensive affected with Down's syndrome〈冒犯〉患先天愚型的; 患唐氏综合征的。
- a person of a Mongoloid physical type有蒙古人体形特征的人。
- offensive a person with Down's syndrome〈冒犯〉先天愚型患者, 唐氏综合征患者。
The terms Mongoloid, Negroid, Caucasoid, and Australoid were introduced by 19th-century anthropologists such as Blumenbach attempting to classify human racial types, but today they are recognized as having very limited validity as scientific categories. Although occasionally used when making broad generalizations about the world's populations, in most modern contexts they are potentially offensive, especially when used of individuals. The names of specific peoples or nationalities should be used instead wherever possible.