of, relating to, or denoting a Bronze Age civilization centred on Crete (c.3000-1050 BC) , its people, or its language. (与) 米诺斯(有关) 的(以克里特岛为中心的青铜器文化[约前3000-前1050年]) ; (与) 米诺斯人(有关) 的; (与) 米诺斯语(有关) 的。noun
- an inhabitant of Minoan Crete or member of the Minoan people米诺斯时期克里特岛居民; 米诺斯人。
- mass noun the language or scripts associated with the Minoans米诺斯语言; 米诺斯文字。
The Minoan civilization had reached its zenith by the beginning of the late Bronze Age; impressive remains reveal the existence of large urban centres dominated by palaces. The civilization is also noted for its script (see LINEAR A) and distinctive art and architecture.
named after the legendary Cretan king MINOS, to whom a palace excavated at Knossos was attributed.