- reporting verb say something in order to obtain an answer or some information问, 询问:
with obj. and clause I asked her what she meant我问她她说的是什么意思
with obj. people are always asking questions人们总是在提问题
with direct speech 'How much further?' I asked“还有多远?”我问道
no obj. the old man asked about her job.那位老人打听她的工作情况。
- no obj.(ask around) talk to different people in order to find out something四处打听:
there are fine meals to be had if you ask around.
- no obj.(ask after或〈苏格兰〉for)enquire about the health or wellbeing of询问…的健康(或生活状况):
if I see him I'll tell him you were asking after him.
- with obj. request (someone) to do or give something请求…做, 要求…给予:
Mary asked her father for money
with obj. and infinitive I asked him to call the manager我叫他给经理打电话
no obj. don't be afraid to ask for advice.别怕征求意见。
- with clause request permission to do something要求(允许做某事):
she asked if she could move in
with infinitive he asked to see the officer involved.他要求见有关的官员。
- request (permission) of someone请求(某人允许)。
- no obj.
ask for
request to speak to请求和…说话: when I arrived I asked for Katrina.
- request (a specified amount) as a price for selling something索价, 要价:
he was asking £250 for the guitar.
- expect or demand (something) of someone指望(从某人那里)得到; (向某人)索取:
it's asking a lot, but could you look through Billy's things?
你要求得太多了, 不过你能不能到比利的东西里翻翻看?
- with obj. invite someone to (one's home or a function)邀请(某人到家里或参加宴会):
it's about time we asked Pam to dinner
she asked him round for a drink.
ask someone along
invite someone to join one on an outing, typically with a group of others邀请某人一起出游:do you want to ask him along?
ask someone out
invite someone out socially, typically on a date(多指在某一约定日期)邀请某人外出游玩, 约某人出去娱乐。
- US the price at which an item, especially a financial security, is offered for sale〈美〉物品(尤指金融证券)的售价:
as modifier ask prices for bonds.政府债券的售价。
- with adj. informal a demand or situation that requires a specified degree of effort or commitment〈非正式〉较为棘手的要求(或情形), 非轻而易举之事:
it is a big ask for him to go and play 90 minutes
it was a tough ask, but they delivered.
这有一定的难度, 但他们做到了。
ask me another
- informal used to indicate that one does not know the answer to a question〈非正式〉[用于表示不知道问题的答案] 我不知道:
'What do they quarrel about?' queried Ruth. 'Ask me another.'
be asking for trouble(或it)
- informal behave in a way that is likely to result in difficulty for oneself〈非正式〉自找麻烦。
a big ask
- Austral. /NZ informal a difficult demand to fulfil〈澳/新西兰, 非正式〉难以满足的要求。
don't ask me!
- informal used to indicate that one does not know the answer to a question and that one is surprised or irritated to be questioned〈非正式〉[用于表示不知道问题的答案并对被问到很感惊讶或恼火] 别问我, 我不知道!
for the asking
- used to indicate that someone can easily have something if they want it[用于表示如果想得到某种东西就能轻易到手]只需提出要求便能得到:
the job was his for the asking.
只要他提出, 那工作他便能轻易到手。
I ask you!
- informal an exclamation of shock or disapproval intended to elicit agreement from one's listener〈非正式〉[用于表示惊诧或不赞成, 意在使听者表示同意自己刚说过的话]这算怎么回事!这说得过去吗? :
ringing me up on Christmas Day, I ask you!
圣诞节给我打电话, 这说得过去吗?
if you ask me
- informal used to emphasize that a statement is one's personal opinion〈非正式〉[用于强调所言仅是个人看法] 我认为, 依我看:
if you ask me, it's just an excuse for laziness.
依我看, 这不过是一个偷懒的借口。