- a country in North America, with extensive coastlines on the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean, bordered by the US to the north; pop.111,211,800 (est. 2009); official language, Spanish; capital, Mexico City.墨西哥(北美洲国家, 临墨西哥湾和太平洋, 海岸线绵长, 北与美国接壤, 2009年估计人口111,211,800; 官方语言西班牙语, 首都墨西哥城)。
- a state of central Mexico, to the west of Mexico City; capital, Toluca de Lerdo墨西哥州(墨西哥中部一州, 墨西哥城西, 首府托卢卡)。
The centre of both Mayan and Aztec civilizations, Mexico was conquered and colonized by the Spanish in the early 16th century. It remained under Spanish rule until independence was achieved in 1821; a republic was established three years later. Texas rebelled and broke away in 1836, while all the remaining territory north of the Rio Grande was lost to the US in the Mexican War of 1846-8.