- a book of the Hebrew scriptures (the Song of Solomon, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, and Esther) appointed to be read on certain Jewish notable days, especially the Book of Esther, read at the festival of Purim弥基洛(希伯来文五卷经书, 即《雅歌》、《路得记》、《耶利米哀歌》、《传道书》和《以斯帖记》之一, 常在重要犹太节日宣读, 尤指在普珥节宣读的《以斯帖记》)。
- as noun the whole megillah N. Amer. informal something in its entirety, especially a complicated set of arrangements or a long-winded story〈北美, 非正式〉从头到尾, 全部, 整个(尤指复杂安排或冗长故事)。
from Hebrew mēǧillāh, literally 'scroll'.