/ˈmedɪtʃiː/(亦作de' Medici)
- a powerful Italian family of bankers and merchants whose members effectively ruled Florence for much of the 15th century and from 1569 were grand dukes of Tuscany. Cosimo and Lorenzo de' Medici were notable rulers and patrons of the arts in Florence; the family also provided four popes (including Leo X) and two queens of France (Catherine de' Medici and Marie de Medicis).梅迪契家族(意大利一望族, 成员中有多位银行家和商人; 15世纪大部分时间内实际上统治着佛罗伦萨并在1569年以后成为托斯卡纳地区的大公; 科西默和洛伦佐·德·梅迪契是佛罗伦萨有名的统治者和艺术赞助人; 该家族还出过四位教皇[包括利奥十世]和两位法国皇后[凯瑟琳·德·梅迪契和玛丽·德·梅迪契])。