

单词 sign


1 sign /ˈsaɪn/ noun
plural signs
1 sign
plural signs
Learner's definition of SIGN
: a piece of paper, wood, etc., with words or pictures on it that gives information about something牌;招牌;指示牌;标志
: something (such as an action or event) which shows that something else exists, is true, or will happen迹象;征兆;兆头
often + of
see also vital signs
: a motion, action, or movement that you use to express a thought, command, or wish示意动作;手势
see also sign of the cross
: any one of the hand movements that are used in sign language手语动作often + for
: a symbol that is used to represent something especially in mathematics(尤指数学)符号,记号
see also call sign, division sign, dollar sign, minus sign, multiplication sign, plus sign
: star sign

a sign of the times

: something that shows the kinds of things that are happening, popular, important, etc., in a culture at a particular period in history时代的特征;最近趋势
2 sign /ˈsaɪn/ verb
signs; signed; signing
2 sign
signs; signed; signing
Learner's definition of SIGN
: to write (your name) on something签名;署名
[+ object]
[no object]
[+ object] : to write your name on (something) especially to show that you accept, agree with, or will be responsible for something在…上签名,签署(尤指表示接受、同意、负责等)
[+ object] : to hire (someone) to do something especially by having that person sign a contract签约雇用(某人)
see also sign on (below), sign up (below)
[no object] : to agree to work for or to produce something for an organization, business, etc., especially by signing a contract(与机构、公司等)签约;签约受聘
usually + with
see also sign on (below), sign up (below)
: to communicate by using sign language打手势
[no object]
[+ object]

sign away

[phrasal verb]
sign (something) away or sign away (something)
: to give (something, such as rights or property) to someone by signing a document签字转让(权利或财产)

sign for

[phrasal verb]
sign for (something)
: to sign a document to show that you have received (a package, letter, etc.)签收

sign in

[phrasal verb]
: to sign your name on a list, in a book, etc., to show that you have arrived签到
sign (someone) in or sign in (someone) : to write the name of (someone) on a list, in a book, etc., to show that they have arrived为(某人)签到
sign (something) in or sign in (something) : to sign your name on a list, in a book, etc., to show that you have returned (something that you borrowed)签字退还

sign off

[phrasal verb]
: to end a letter or broadcast by signing or saying your name以签名结束书信;报上自己姓名结束广播
US sign off or British sign (something) off or British sign off (something) : to approve something officially by signing your name签字认可;签字赞成
usually + on in U.S. English在美国英语中通常与on连用

sign on

[phrasal verb]
: to agree to do something (such as a job) especially by signing a contract签约受雇
sign (someone) on or sign on (someone) : to hire (someone) to do something especially by having that person sign a contract签约雇用(某人)
see also 2sign 2 (above)
: to start a broadcast by saying your name(以通报自己姓名)开始广播
British : to report officially that you are unemployed in order to receive money from the government(为领取失业救济金)办理失业登记

sign out

[phrasal verb]
: to sign your name on a list, in a book, etc., to show that you have left a place签退;签字离开
sign (someone) out or sign out (someone) : to write the name of (someone) on a list, in a book, etc., to show that they have left a place为(某人)签退
sign (something) out or sign out (something) : to sign your name on a list, in a book, etc., to show that you have borrowed (something)签名登记租借

sign over

[phrasal verb]
sign (something) over or sign over (something)
: to give (something that you own, such as rights or property) to someone by signing a document签字转让(权利、财产等)

sign up

[phrasal verb]
: to sign your name on a document or list in order to get, do, or take something报名参加
: to indicate that you will definitely do a job, join a team, etc., especially by signing a contract签约加入
sign (someone) up or sign up (someone)
: to add the name of (someone) to an official list in order for that person to get, do, or take something使某人参与
: to hire (someone) to do something especially by having that person sign a contract签约雇用(某人)
see also 2sign 2 (above)




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