

单词 shot


1 shot /ˈʃɑːt/ noun
plural shots
1 shot
plural shots
Learner's definition of SHOT
[count] : an act of shooting a gun射击;开枪;开炮
see also gunshot, potshot
: buckshot
: the objects (called ammunition) that are shot from cannons and other old-fashioned weapons(大炮或其他旧式武器的)弹药,弹丸
see also slingshot
[count] : a person who shoots a gun射手;枪手;炮手
see also big shot
[count] : a critical or hurtful remark批评的话;伤人的话
see also cheap shot, potshot
[count] : the act of hitting someone or something with your hand or an object(用手或某物)击,打
: an act of kicking, hitting, or throwing a ball or puck toward or into a goal击球;射门;投篮
: a ball or puck that is kicked, hit, or thrown toward or into a goal(攻向球门的)球
see also chip shot, foul shot, jump shot, slap shot
: an attempt to do something successfully尝试usually singular通常用单数
often + at
: a chance that something will happen or be achieved(某事发生或达成的)概率,可能性usually singular通常用单数
often + at
see also long shot
[count] informal : 1photographoften + of
see also mug shot, snapshot
[count] : a part of a movie or a television show that is filmed by one camera without stopping(电影或电视剧中的)镜头
[count] chiefly US : an act of putting something (such as medicine or vaccine) into the body with a needle : injection注射
often + of
: a small amount of a drink and especially a strong alcoholic drink少量饮料;(尤指)少量烈酒
often + of
called also (British) short
: a small amount of something少量often + of
[count] : a heavy metal ball that people throw as far as they can in the athletic event called the shot put铅球

a shot

US, informal
: for each one : apiece一个;一件

a shot across the/someone's bow(s)

: a warning to not do something or to stop doing something(对于不要做或停止做某事的)警告

a shot in the arm

: something that makes someone or something stronger or more active, confident, etc.鼓舞人心的事情;强心剂

a shot in the dark

: a guess that is based on very little or no information or evidence瞎猜
: an attempt that is not likely to succeed瞎碰;盲目的尝试

call the shots

: to be in charge or control of something控制;操纵

like a shot

: immediately and very quickly飞快地;立刻
2 shot
2 shot
Learner's definition of SHOT
past tense and past participle of 1shoot
3 shot /ˈʃɑːt/ adjective
3 shot
Learner's definition of SHOT
not used before a noun
informal : in a very bad condition破烂不堪;精疲力竭
of a fabric : having threads of a different color woven in颜色交织often + with
: having a particular color, quality, feature, etc., throughout充满(某种颜色、特质等);交织着usually + with

shot of

British, informal
: no longer having someone or something that you do not want摆脱;处理掉




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